Enjoy my pictures and my blog.
I will publish pictures in gallerys and write some photographic storys and consideration in my blog.
“God Of Gaudland” – or – “From light and fire – born!” | Lasers and bonfire
Stat: Nikon D800, Nikkor 24-70mm f2.8 1/30s | 45mm | f2.8 | ISO1600 Light-painting Handheld and shot by Thomas Sirevåg, setup, idea and camera rigging by myself. A result of two lasers pens with starfield head enlightening me in the dark of night. We had a tour with the local Photogroup and I brought with me a couple of lasers with this pict in mind. We had a campfire burning and during late (very late) night i rigged this setup and used myself as a model. A 80'ish alpine sunglasses on my nose and I still remember the smell of bacon as my middle part came a little too close too the fire. Why "God of Gaudland"? Very close by the place we visited is the "God of Rossland" - a possible relic from iron age: http://no.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rosslandsguden. Available in 7360 x 4912